Friday 30 May 2014

National Strawberry Month

The idea for coming up with a National Strawberry Month is an American tradition. Because around this time in the United States and other parts of the Northern Hemisphere, between spring and summer, fresh strawberries are ready for picking and eating.

I love strawberries, especially fresh ones!  I pour milk and add a bit of sugar, a dash of ice cream and oh wow it's so heavenly.  Here in NZ, we normally start our strawberry picking season around late November all the way up to March.  I see whole families out in the field picking strawberries.  You're given a pail or an empty ice cream container to put the fruits in.  Most farms allow pickers to eat whatever they pick and pay only for those that are gathered.  And like anything in NZ, honesty is really a way of life.  I do hope this idea sticks longer!

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